Monday, March 09, 2009

So yesterday was present hunting and a little shopping spree with Eeting, Yiling and Don. :) Met Yiling and went to Marina first, then to Far East. Wanted to find some nice dresses and tops, but to no avail. /: E and D came and meet us, and then was off to Vivo to shop for Oscar's present.

Bought, and then was camwhoring sessions & gossips at the bench area. :) Afterwhich was deserts for dinner at Haagen-Dazs as all of us arent hungry. Haha, spent quite alot there, but well, worth it once in a while? LOL. It was home after that :D

Beautiful sunsets..

Choir tmr, wed and thrus! Omg, this can kill. Seriously hate to be so busy sometimes. :(

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